[Lirik+Terjemahan] 8LOOM - Melody (Melodi)

8LOOM - Melody (Melodi)

[Lirik, Lyrics, Lirica, Liedtext, Letras, Paroles, 歌詞, บทร้อง, лирика]


My heart sings a beat
Kimi no soba ga boku no My Best Place yeah
Your heart is all I need
Come sing with me

Fui ni hajimaru
Merodi ni hikarete
Kokoro ga hazumu
Hana ga saku you da ne
Soba ni iru dake de (I hear the sound)
Kikoeru neiro (So Beautiful)
Odorazu ni wa irarenainda Baby

Ashinami wo soroeteku you ni (Sing with me)
Mawaridasu sekai ga
Utaidasu yo

Kuchizusamu Melody Melody
Ongaku ga irodoru My Days
Harmony Harmony
Kimi janakya awanai My Place
Yes koe wo kikasete hoshii
Iroasenai melody
Sing with me Sing with me
Itsumade mo

Kono onpu no you ni
Hibi ni aru Ups and Downs
Kimi ga warau dake de Yeah
Nankai na koodo mo Easy to sing
It's a good day
Harewataru Sky ah ah ah
Doko made mo Fly ah ah ah
Hanauta majiri ni there you there you go
Keikai na saundo let me take you around

Tsuzuru omoidetachi ga kashi ni (Sing with me)
Afurederu kotoba ga
Uta ni naru yo

Owaranai Melody Melody
Kokoro ni narihibiku one phrase
Harmony Harmony
Kimi ga hai nooto de I'm Base
Yes yume wo mi sasete hoshii
Kawari no nai merodi
Sing with me Sing with me
Baby sing with me

Ashinami wo soroeteku you ni (Sing with me)
Mawaridasu sekai ga
Utaidasu yo

Kuchizusamu Melody Melody
Ongaku ga irodoru My Days
Harmony Harmony
Kimi ja nakya awanai My Place
Yes koe wo kikasete hoshii
Iroasenai melody
Sing with me Sing with me
Itsumade mo


My heart sings a beat
君の側が僕のMy Best Place yeah
Your heart is all I need
Come sing with me

側にいるだけで (I hear the sound)
聴こえる音色 (So Beautiful)
踊らずにはいられないんだ Baby

足並みを揃えてくように (Sing with me)

口ずさむMelody Melody
音楽が彩るMy Days
Harmony Harmony
君じゃなきゃ合わない My Place
Yes 声を聞かせてほしい
Sing with me Sing with me

日々にあるUps and Downs
君が笑うだけで Yeah
難解なコードもEasy to sing
It's a good day
晴れ渡るSky ah ah ah
どこまでもFly ah ah ah
鼻歌交じりにthere you there you go
軽快なサウンド let me take you around

綴る思い出たちが歌詞に (Sing with me)

終わらない Melody Melody
Harmony Harmony
君がハイノートでI'm Base
Yes 夢を見させてほしい
Sing with me Sing with me
Baby sing with me

足並みを揃えてくように (Sing with me)

口ずさむMelody Melody
音楽が彩るMy Days
Harmony Harmony
君じゃなきゃ合わない My Place
Yes 声を聞かせてほしい
Sing with me Sing with me

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