Last Idol - Kitaichi 0 (Ekspetasi 0)
[Lirik, Lyrics, Lirica, Liedtext, Letras, Paroles, 歌詞, บทร้อง, лирика]
Doko ka ii no ka nante wakannai
Nande suki ni natta ka wakannai
Toku ni ikemen janai shi
Shinchou ga takai wake de mo nai shi
Sakkaa-bu demo hoketsu da shi
Gakki to ka hikeru wakede mo nai shi
Aitsu tte yousuru ni
Moteru youso ga zenzen nai no
Tomodachi no dare mo ga
Doushite suki ni natta ka
Wakaranai tte iu kedo
Shuupure no gurabia nagameteru
Ureshi sou na hyoujou ni uso wa nai
Wakari yasukute shoujiki na sono seikaku ni
Nandaka hikarete shimatta kamo
Kakkou wo tsuketeru danshi yori
Zenbu sarakedashi teru kata ga yoi
Koi no risou to genjitsu ni wa gyappu ga aru
Dekireba ato de gakkari shinai you na
Kitaichi zero
Doko de pin to kita no ka wakannai
Nani ga kikkake na no ka wakannai
Tamatama onaji kurasu de
Tada seki ga chikakatta dake na no ni
Benkyou wa sokosoko da shi
Ki ga kiita joudan mo ienai shi
Aitsu tte kekkyoku wa
Saite itaku no ochikobore ne
Ikemen no danshi ni
Kokuhaku saretakeredo
Demo sugu kotowatte shimatta
Yanjan ni yanmaga zenbu katte
Mazu saisho ni gurabia wo chekku suru
Bakappokute tanjun na nou saibou ga
Kawaiku omoe chattatte koto ka na
Rikutsu bakkari no minna yori
Itsumo sono mama tte anshin suru
Hito wa mitame to nakami to wa chigau keredo
Ichiban hikui iriguchi de suki ni nareba
Kitaichi zero
ラストアイドル - 期待値0
Last Idol - Zero Expectation
I don't know what's good about him
I don't know why i like him
Even though he's not a handsome guy
Even though he's not a tall guy
He didn't enter the soccer club
He also didn't enter the music club
You could say that guy
Do not have anything that may make him well-liked
All my friends say
"Why do you like that guy?"
Even I don't understand
When looking at gravure on Weekly playboy
A happy looking face isn't a lie
With an honest and simply seen attitude
Somehow I became suddenly interested
Instead of boy who pretend to be cool
I prefer boy that shows everything
Although there's a line between ideal love and reality
If possible I don't want to regret afterward
Zero expectation
I don't know where this interest come from?
I don't know what's the cause?
It only starts with classmates
Just sit close to him
Even though the academics are mediocre
Even though he's also not good at joking
If you may conclude that guy
Has the lowest personality value
Although handsome guys
Express their love to me
But I instantly refused them
When buying Young Jump and Weekly Young
The first thing to check is gravure
Simple thinking and looking stupid
Are you thinking that it's beautiful?
Instead of boys with a lot of theories
I prefer something that looks relaxed like that
Even though everyone is different inside and out
If you like the lowest entrance
Zero expectation
Last Idol - Zero Expectation
I don't know what's good about him
I don't know why i like him
Even though he's not a handsome guy
Even though he's not a tall guy
He didn't enter the soccer club
He also didn't enter the music club
You could say that guy
Do not have anything that may make him well-liked
All my friends say
"Why do you like that guy?"
Even I don't understand
When looking at gravure on Weekly playboy
A happy looking face isn't a lie
With an honest and simply seen attitude
Somehow I became suddenly interested
Instead of boy who pretend to be cool
I prefer boy that shows everything
Although there's a line between ideal love and reality
If possible I don't want to regret afterward
Zero expectation
I don't know where this interest come from?
I don't know what's the cause?
It only starts with classmates
Just sit close to him
Even though the academics are mediocre
Even though he's also not good at joking
If you may conclude that guy
Has the lowest personality value
Although handsome guys
Express their love to me
But I instantly refused them
When buying Young Jump and Weekly Young
The first thing to check is gravure
Simple thinking and looking stupid
Are you thinking that it's beautiful?
Instead of boys with a lot of theories
I prefer something that looks relaxed like that
Even though everyone is different inside and out
If you like the lowest entrance
Zero expectation
Aku tak tahu apa yang bagus tentangnya
Aku tak tahu kenapa aku suka dengannya
Padahal dia bukan cowok yang ganteng
Padahal dia bukan cowok yang tinggi
Dia tak masuk ke dalam klub bola
Dia juga tak masuk ke dalam klub musik
Kalau boleh dibilang cowok itu
Tak punya apa-apa yang dapat membuatnya populer
Semua temanku pun berkata
"Mengapa kau suka cowok itu?"
Bahkan aku sendiri tak mengerti
Ketika memandang gravure di Weekly Playboy
Wajah terlihat senang itu bukanlah kebohongan
Dengan sikap yang jujur dan mudah terlihat itu
Entah kenapa aku menjadi tiba-tiba tertarik
Daripada cowok yang berpura-pura keren
Aku lebih suka yang memperlihatkan segalanya
Meski ada batas antara cinta ideal dan kenyataan
Jika bisa aku tak ingin menyesal setelah itu
Tak ada ekspetasi
Aku tak tahu dari mana ketertarikanku ini?
Aku tak tahu apa yang menjadi penyebabnya?
Hanya berawal dari teman sekelas saja
Hanya duduk berdekatan dengannya saja
Padahal akademiknya biasa-biasa saja
Padahal dia juga tak pandai bercanda
Kalau boleh disimpulkan cowok itu
Memiliki nilai kepribadian terendah
Meski cowok-cowok ganteng
Mengungkapkan cintanya padaku
Tapi aku langsung menolak mereka
Ketika membeli Young Jump dan Weekly Young
Hal yang pertama dilihat adalah gravure
Pemikiran sederhana dan terlihat bodoh itu
Apakah sedang berpikir kalau itu cantik?
Daripada cowok-cowok yang banyak teori
Aku lebih suka yang tampak santai seperti itu
Meski semua orang itu berbeda luar dan dalam
Jika menyukai pada pintu masuk yang terendah
Tak ada ekspetasi
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