[Lirik+Terjemahan] ONE OK ROCK - Taking Off (Lepas Landas)

ONE OK ROCK - Taking Off (Lepas Landas)
Museum Movie Theme Song

[Lirik, Lyrics, Lirica, Letra, Paroles, 歌詞, บทร้อง, лирика]


Stuck in the same routine
Living an empty dream
When am I gonna wake up

Thought we had it right
Now it's an endless night
Where is it gonna take us?

Realizing... everything I love is slowly killing me

I know, I know
We're takin' off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight we will die
We will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go
Never gonna let it go

Oto mo tatezu kuzureochita
Shikai kara kieru
Kuruu byoushin makimodosu
Torimodosenai nanika ga aru

Realizing... everything I love is slowly killing me

I know, I know
We're takin' off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight we will die
We will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go

I know, I know
I'm never gonna let it go
I know, I know
Never gonna let it go
I know, I know...
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go

Don't lie. You know everything you do is killing me

I know, I know
We're takin' off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight, you and I, we'll fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell

We're takin' off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight we will die
We will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go

I know, I know
I'm never gonna let it go
I know, I know
Never gonna let it go
I know, I know...
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go


Stuck in the same routine
Living an empty dream
When am I gonna wake up
Thought we had it right
Now it's an endless night
Where is it gonna take us

Realizing, everything I love is slowly killing me

I know I know
We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go


Realizing, everything I love is slowly killing me

I know I know
We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go

Don't lie, you know everything you do is killing me

I know I know
We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell

We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go


Stuck in the same routine
Living an empty dream
When am I gonna wake up
Thought we had it right
Now it's an endless night
Where is it gonna take us

Realizing, everything I love is slowly killing me

I know I know
We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go

Without a sound, it crumbles
It disappears from this world
Second hands gone wild turn back the time
But there's something that can't be redeemed

Realizing, everything I love is slowly killing me

I know I know
We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go

Don't lie, you know everything you do is killing me

I know I know
We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell

We're taking off together
Even though we always crash and burn
Tonight you and I will fall from the sky
Drag me all the way to hell
'Cause I'm never gonna let it go


Terjebak dalam rutinitas yang sama
Hidup dalam sebuah mimpi yang kosong
Kapankah aku akan terbangun?

Meski pun kita mengira baik-baik saja
Sekarang adalah malam yang tak berujung
Ke manakah ia akan membawa kita?

Menyadari... bahwa segala yang kucintai perlahan-lahan membunuhku

Aku tahu, aku tahu
Kita akan lepas landas bersama
Meski pun kita selalu hancur dan terbakar
Malam ini kita akan mati
Kita akan terjatuh dari langit
Menyeretku hingga menuju neraka
Karena aku takkan pernah melepaskannya
Takkan pernah melepaskannya

Hancur tanpa mengeluarkan suara
Menghilang dari pemandangan
Jarum jam mundur dengan gilanya
Ada sesuatu yang tak bisa kembali

Menyadari... bahwa segala yang kucintai perlahan-lahan membunuhku

Aku tahu, aku tahu
Kita akan lepas landas bersama
Meski pun kita selalu hancur dan terbakar
Malam ini kita akan mati
Kita akan terjatuh dari langit
Menyeretku hingga menuju neraka
Karena aku takkan pernah melepaskannya

Aku tahu, aku tahu
Aku takkan pernah melepaskannya
Aku tahu, aku tahu
Takkan pernah melepaskannya
Aku tahu, aku tahu...
Menyeretku hingga menuju neraka
Karena aku takkan pernah melepaskannya

Jangan berbohong karena segala hal yang kaulakukan itu membunuhku

Aku tahu, aku tahu
Kita akan lepas landas bersama
Meski pun kita selalu hancur dan terbakar
Malam ini kau dan aku akan terjatuh dari langit
Menyeretku hingga menuju neraka

Aku tahu, aku tahu
Kita akan lepas landas bersama
Meski pun kita selalu hancur dan terbakar
Malam ini kita akan mati
Kita akan terjatuh dari langit
Menyeretku hingga menuju neraka

Aku tahu, aku tahu
Aku takkan pernah melepaskannya
Aku tahu, aku tahu
Takkan pernah melepaskannya
Aku tahu, aku tahu...
Menyeretku hingga menuju neraka
Karena aku takkan pernah melepaskannya

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