[Lirik+Terjemahan] JKT48 - Manatsu no Sounds Good! (Musim Panas Sounds Good!)

JKT48 - Manatsu no Sounds Good! (Musim Panas Sounds Good!)

[Lirik, Lyrics, Lirica, Liedtext, Letras, Paroles, 歌詞, บทร้อง, лирика]


Sambil melepas luaran baju renang
Kau minta dioleskan sun oil di punggung lalu berbaring
Perkataanmu yang menantang itu bagai
Semerbak aroma yang terasa manis

Laut dan langit biru bagai tak bertepi
Terasa sama seperti hubungan ini

Meski pun cakrawala bertemu dan menyatu
Ya, saat ini engkau, bagiku hanya adik kecil yang manja

Musim panas “Sounds Good!”
Sambil membisikkannya
Ke tahap yang berikutnya, kuingin lanjutkan
Kurikulum dari cinta
Suara ombak “Sounds Good!”
Hati ini bergemuruh
Aku ingin lebih serius dari tahun lalu


Kamu yang sedang berjemur di pasir pantai
Kau pun kutinggalkan dan pergi berenang seorang diri
Setelah ciuman darimu yang tiba-tiba
Itu terasa sangatlah asin

Pemandangan yang sedari tadi kulihat
Bahkan udara rasanya telah berubah

Langit dan lautan pun saling berhadapan
Saling memperlihatkan kilauan biru yang dimiliki mereka

Tepi pantai “Good Job!”
Orang yang aku suka
Selalu sedih terasa, tak dapat terucap
Kau ada terlalu dekat
Pemicunya “Good Job!”
Sekarang kubisa jujur
Merentangkan tangan
Inilah musim untuk mencinta

Musim panas “Sounds Good!”
Sambil membisikkannya
Ke tahap yang berikutnya, kuingin lanjutkan
Kurikulum dari cinta
Suara ombak “Sounds Good!”
Hati ini bergemuruh
Aku ingin lebih serius dari tahun lalu

Musim panas “Sounds Good!”
Ku menyukaimu
Suara ombak “Sounds Good!”
Tersampaikan juga
Tepi pantai “Good Job!”
Ku menyukaimu
Pemicunya “Good Job!”
Waktunya sangat pas

Musim panas “Sounds Good!”


Dressed up for a swim
Suddenly you took off your shirt
Asked me for sunblock and rub it to your back lying on the sand
Those bold words you said felt like an aromatic scent
They're bringing back to me all my sweet memories

The sky and blue sea don't know where they end or begin
You could say the same of this relationship we're in
Even though the horizon and the sea become as one
I'm still like you said before
"You are nothing more than a spoilt little kid sister"

Summer Love Sounds Good!
Whisper it into my ear
I want you to come on over
Take me to the next year of my curriculum in love
Tidal Wave Sounds Good!
My heart beats with a massive roar
Now I want so much more
Let's go deeper than what we did before

You lay on the sand bathing on sun rays for your tan
I left you there alone and went out on my own to swim in the sea
Just before I go suddenly you are kissing me
The next thing I know my mouth is salty

Instantly I know that somehow my world has now changed
Things are different now not even the air feels the same
Now the sky and the sea at last they come together
Took a while but finally both of them can see
They are as blue as each other

Hey Coastline Good Job!
You are the boy that I like
What I felt always made me cry so I kept it inside
Because you were too close to me
Hey Fortune Good Job!
Now I can tell you everything
Spread your arms out like wings
This is the season for falling in love

Summer Love Sounds Good!
Whisper it into my ear
I want you to come on over
Take me to the next year of my curriculum in love
Tidal Wave Sounds Good!
My heart beats with a massive roar
Now I want so much more
Let's go deeper than what we did before

Summer Love Sounds Good!
You know it's you I like
Tidal Wave Sounds Good!
I said what's on my mind
Hey Coastline Good Job!
You know it's you I like
Hey Fortune Good Job!
This is the perfect time

Summer Love Sounds Good!

[1] Klik link di bawah ini untuk terjemahan dari versi AKB48, karena terdapat perbedaan dalam terjemahannya:
[Lirik+Terjemahan] AKB48 - Manatsu no Sounds Good! (Musim Panas Sounds Good!)

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