[Lirik+Terjemahan] JKT48 - Koisuru Fortune Cookie (Fortune Cookie Yang Mencinta)

JKT48 - Koisuru Fortune Cookie (Fortune Cookie Yang Mencinta) / Fortune Cookie in Love

[Lirik, Lyrics, Lirica, Liedtext, Letras, Paroles, 歌詞, บทร้อง, лирика]


Walaupun diri ini menyukaimu
Kamu seperti tak tertarik kepadaku
Siap patah hati kesekian kalinya
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Ketika kulihat di sekelilingku
Ternyata banyak sekali gadis yang cantik
Bunga yang tak menarik tak akan disadari
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Saat kumelamun terdengar music
Mengalun di kafetaria
Tanpa sadar kuikuti iramanya
Dan ujung jari pun mulai bergerak
Perasaanku ini tak dapat berhenti

Come on, come on, come on, come on baby!
Tolong ramalkanlah

Yang mencinta Fortune Cookie
Masa depan tidak akan seburuk itu
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Mengembangkan senyuman 'kan membawa keberuntungan
Fortune Cookie berbentuk hati
Nasib lebih baiklah dari hari ini
Hey! Hey! Hey!  Hey! Hey! Hey!
Janganlah menyerah dalam menjalani hidup
Akan datang keajaiban yang tak terduga
Ku punya firasat 'tuk bisa saling mencinta denganmu

Ingin ungkapkan perasaan padamu
Tetapi Aku tak percaya diri
Karena reaksimu terbayang di benakku
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Meski cowok bilang gadis ideal
Yang punya kepribadian baik
Penampilan itu menguntungkan
Selalu hanya gadis cantik saja
Yang kan dipilih menjadi nomor satu

Please! Please! Please! Oh baby!
Lihatlah diriku

Yang mencinta Fortune Cookie
Cangkang itu ayo coba pecahkan saja
Hey! Hey! Hey!  Hey! Hey! Hey!
Apa yang 'kan terjadi, siapapun tak ada yang tahu
Air mata Fortune Cookie
Aku mohon jangan menjadi hal yang buruk
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Dunia ini kan dipenuhi oleh cinta
Esok hari akan berhembus angin yang baru
Yang membuat kita terlupa akan hal menyedihkan

Come on, come on, come on, come on baby!
Tolong ramalkanlah

Yang mencinta Fortune Cookie
Masa depan tidak akan seburuk itu
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Mengembangkan senyuman 'kan membawa keberuntungan
Fortune Cookie berbentuk hati
Nasib lebih baiklah dari hari ini
Hey! Hey! Hey!  Hey! Hey! Hey!
Janganlah menyerah dalam menjalani hidup
Akan datang keajaiban yang tak terduga
Ku punya firasat 'tuk bisa saling mencinta denganmu


Eventhough I know I'm so in love with you
I'm not really sure that you feel the same way too
Ready for that moment when my hearts broken again
Yeah!  Yeah!  Yeah!

Then I look around me and all that I can see
So many other girls and they're prettier than me
Ordinary flowers never get their time in the sun
Yeah!  Yeah!  Yeah!

Cafetaria airs the sound of music
Listening interrupts my daydream
Then I find myself caught inside the rhythm flow
And now my body moves starting with my toes
There is no escaping whatever I'm feeling
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon baby
Come and tell my future!

My love's in a Fortune Cookie
And the future won't be as bad as what is seems
Hey!  Hey!  Hey!
Don't you know your luck will change
When you've got a big smile on your face
In my hearts a Fortune Cookie
Look at my fate, make it so much better than today
Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!
Never let life get you down and let it defeat you
Miracles can happen that will totally surprise you
Something tells me someday there'll be love and it will just be you and me

I would like to tell you just what you mean to me
But I can't forget all my anxiety
Because I've imagined every word that you will say
Yeah!  Yeah!  Yeah!

And they always say good girls are what they like
Although the boys say those girls are their type
The beautiful ones have an advantage
All of the pretty girls always get ahead
They do not feel it's hard to become popular
Please please please oh baby
Won't you please notice me?

My love's in a Fortune Cookie
In a hard shell, crack it open! See what it will tell
Hey!  Hey!  Hey!
What come next? How will it go?
I don't even think that God will know
Teardrops falling, Fortune Cookie
Don't be so sad, do not beat yourself when things are bad
Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!
There is so much love in the world if you look around you
Time to forget all about the sadness and the sorrow
The future is open and another wind will soon blow tomorrow

C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon baby
Come and tell my future!

My love's in a Fortune Cookie
And the future won't be as bad as what is seems
Hey!  Hey!  Hey!
Don't you know your luck will change
When you've got a big smile on your face
In my hearts a Fortune Cookie
Look at my fate, make it so much better than today
Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!
Never let life get you down and let it defeat you
Miracles can happen that will totally surprise you
Something tells me someday there'll be love and it will just be you and me

[1] Klik link di bawah ini untuk terjemahan dari versi AKB48, karena terdapat perbedaan dalam terjemahannya:

[Lirik+Terjemahan] AKB48- Koisuru Fortune Cookie (Fortune Cookie Yang Mencinta)

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